Spotlight on Veronica Viña

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on VERONICA VIÑA               

  Veronica Viña, Senior Manager of Quality and Compliance, joined the creative werks team in July of 2014 as a new mom to her son Parker.  Born and raised in Chicagoland, she and her husband now reside in the Chicago neighborhood, Norwood Park.  Veronica graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago, with a Bachelor's of Science in Biological Sciences.  Outside of work and constantly running after her son Parker, Viña  enjoys gardening, biking, reading, and trying to remember what years of piano lessons have taught her.  Read on to learn more about Veronica.


Where did you grow up?

Hoffman Estates, Illinois

What was your first impression of creative werks?

A fun group of hardworking people who are open-minded, proud of what they do and take their jobs very seriously.

How did you start your career in Quality?

I started off in the QA lab at an AVON manufacturing and packaging plant working every shift imaginable except for straight 8hr first shift.  We tested everything from foundations on our arms for color matching to playing with hydrochloric acid in raw material digestions.

What’s your favorite thing to do on a Saturday?

Spending time outside with my family.  It could be going for a walk, playing in the backyard with my son or going for a swim, if it’s outdoors I’m happy.

How do you de-stress?

During the summer it’s weeding the garden.  There is nothing like ripping out a whole bunch of nuisance plants to work out frustrations, plus the yard looks great afterwards!

If you were the last sole survivor on earth, what’s the first thing you would do?

Get weapons, food, water and a place to hang out, then sit back and decide what to do next.

What do you think has been mankind's greatest invention?

The Diaper-Genie, seriously, who wants to walk a super stinky diaper outside to the garbage in the middle of the night?

Where is your dream vacation spot?

Probably Italy or Greece on the Mediterranean.  I’m a total geek for ancient ruins or historical sites and if I can enjoy the beach at the same time, it’s even better.

Do you have any irrational fears?

Feet.  I don’t mind my own, but I don’t like being around or even seeing other people’s bare feet, think they are completely gross.